Red Seal Cook

Category - Grains and Plant-Based Proteins

What is the basic procedure for quick-soaking dried beans?
  1. Rinse and pick through the beans. Place the beans in a saucepan and add enough cool water to cover them by 5 cm. Bring to a boil and simmer for 2 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and soak for 1 hour. Drain and discard the soaking liquid and continue on with the recipe.
  2. Rinse and pick through the beans. Soak for 1 hour in warm water. Drain and discard the soaking liquid, and transfer soaked beans to a saucepan. Simmer for 5 minutes. Drain and discard any remaining liquid. Continue with recipe.
  3. Rinse and pick through the beans. Place beans in a saucepan and add enough cool water to cover them by 5 cm. Bring to a boil and simmer for 40 minutes. Remove from heat, drain, and continue on with recipe.
  4. Rinse and pick through the beans. Place the beans in a saucepan and add enough cool water to cover them by 5 cm. Bring to a boil and simmer for 55 minutes. Remove from heat, drain, and continue with recipe.
Answer: A - To quick soak dried beans, well rinsed beans should be simmered in a saucepan for 2 minutes and then soaked for an hour. This procedure will yield the exact same result as soaking beans in cold water overnight.
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