The following music selection might be an appropriate overall plan for a spin class:
  1. Ambient music for the warm up and stretching; slow tempo music for a climbing section; fast techno music for a sprint interval section; a ballad/love song for warm down and stretching at the end of class.
  2. A selection of love songs.
  3. A compilation of techno/upbeat tunes.
  4. Up tempo music to get the class started; slow tempo music for a low resistance/high cadence section; fast tempo music for a high resistance section; a familiar TV theme tune for the warm down.
Answer: A- The following music selection might be an appropriate overall plan for a spin class: ambient music for the warm up and stretching; slow tempo music for a climbing section; fast techno music for a sprint interval section; a ballad/love song for warm down and stretching at the end of class. The music you choose should follow the structure you have planned for your spinning class. Anticipate the cadence that your class will be achieving and choose music that has an appropriate beat/tempo, i.e. slow tempo for high resistance/low cadence, high tempo for low resistance/high cadence, and suitably relaxing music for the warm up/warm down and stretching.
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