SPHR Human Resources

Category - Relations

In order for a bargaining unit to be established, which of the following has to happen during the election?
  1. A simple majority of the voters must cast a vote in favor of the proposed bargaining unit.
  2. A simple majority of the individuals who would be members of the proposed bargaining unit must cast a vote in favor of the proposed bargaining unit.
  3. When there is more than one bargaining unit competing in the election, a proposed bargaining unit must obtain more votes than other bargaining units obtain.
  4. At least 30% of the voters must cast a vote in favor of the bargaining unit.
Answer - A - In order for a bargaining unit to be established, a simple majority of the voters of those who choose to vote in the election must vote in favor of the proposed bargaining unit.

Key Takeaway: At least 30% of the employees who would be in the collective bargaining unit must sign authorization cards before the union can petition the NLRB to hold an election, so option D is not possible as this takes place long before the actual election. When there is more than one bargaining unit, a proposed bargaining unit must still obtain a simple majority of the votes.
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