Indoor Cycling Instructor

Category - Safety

If any of the knobs begin to come loose during a class, the participant should:
  1. Keep pedaling with the workout and raise their hand for your attention.
  2. Not worry about it and keep up with the workout.
  3. Take their feet out of the pedals immediately.
  4. Slow down their pedaling gradually and then ask for your help to reset their bike.
Answer: D - If any knobs or parts begin to come loose during a class, the participant should slow down their pedaling gradually and then ask for your assistance. Ignoring loose fittings can be extremely dangerous and injury can result if a part of the bike is insecure or comes loose. However, flywheels have significant momentum and a participant should slow their pedaling down gradually. They should not try to stop suddenly or remove their feet from the pedals until they have come to a complete stop. Participants should always ask for assistance if a part of the bike may not be securely adjusted or may be faulty.
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