SPHR Human Resources

Category - Relations

During an organizing campaign, unions are permitted to engage in all of the following activities except
  1. Inside organizing
  2. Salting
  3. Surface organizing
  4. Organizational picketing
Answer - C - There is no such recognized activity as surface organizing, instead it is surface bargaining.

Key Takeaway: Surface bargaining refers to going through the motions of bargaining, with no real intent of ultimately reaching agreement. Inside organizing is an activity through which pro-union individuals can seek to influence others at the workplace and is allowed unless there is a valid no-solicitation rule in effect at the time. Salting is the process wherein a salt (a union organizer) seeks employment with the organization with the express purpose of organizing and campaigning within the organization. Unions may engage in organizational picketing, which is designed to generate interest on the part of employees to vote for union representation.
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