SPHR Human Resources

Category - Relations

During a unionizing campaign, management may do which of the following in response to union allegations?
  1. Point out the consequences of unionization based on past facts.
  2. Encourage nonunion employees to talk about the reasons they don’t want the union.
  3. Tell employees the company will have to move the jobs to another country if the union is elected.
  4. Ask employees what the union is saying about the company.
Answer - A - A company may make truthful statements about a unionized environment during an organizing campaign, such as pointing out that employees will have to pay dues to the union.

Key Takeaway: Although nonunion employees are free to talk about their reasons for not wanting a union, it is an unfair labor practice for the employer to encourage them to do so. Telling employees that the company will have to move the jobs to another country if the union is elected is also an unfair labor practice, because it constitutes a threat. Employers may not threaten, interrogate, promise, or spy (TIPS) on employees during an organizing campaign.
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