SPHR Human Resources

Category - Strategy

An organization conducts an employee survey and finds that many employees are bored with their jobs, unhappy with their pay, and feel as though they don’t get enough vacation time. If the organization’s primary goal is to motivate employees, what is the first step that should be taken?
  1. Conduct a survey to determine pay rates and vacation allotments among labor market competitors.
  2. Identify ways in which employees’ jobs can be enriched, and implement them.
  3. Give everyone an across-the-board raise, and let employees know that you will be conducting a salary survey to see if further adjustments are needed.
  4. Conduct another employee survey to see if the results of this survey are consistent with the results of the first survey.
Answer - A - According to Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene theory, motivation factors will have a positive impact on an employee’s motivation level if and only if hygiene factors are acceptable. It’s important to deal first with addressing hygiene factor to ensure that motivation factors will have a positive impact.

Key Takeaway: Option B jumps straight to motivation factors. Option C takes a “ready, fire, aim” approach; although employees appear to be unhappy with their pay, that does not necessarily mean that pay levels are inappropriate. Option D is not the best option; although it will probably be necessary to collect more information, it would not be effective to ask employees to give you the same information in the same way.
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