Red Seal Cook

Category - Sauces

According to Canadian Food and Drug Regulations, up to how many parts per million (ppm) nitrites and/or nitrates can be used to cure meat?
  1. 100 ppm
  2. 200 ppm
  3. 400 ppm
  4. 600 ppm
Answer: B - Nitrates and nitrites are considered a Class I preservative, and as such are governed under the Food and Drug Regulations. Table XI of Division 16 in Canadian Food and Drug Regulations clearly stipulates that cured meat may contain no more than 200 ppm nitrate/nitrite. The use of nitrites and nitrates is lessening, however, as they are not entirely necessary in order to effectively cure food, especially if it’s being cured quickly for immediate service (as opposed to longevity of the food item, as was the original purpose of curing). Using nitrites in cured foods is optional and should be used at the cook’s discretion.
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