SPHR Human Resources

Category - Relations

A union security clause which requires all employees to join the union after they are hired is called what?
  1. An agency shop clause
  2. A union shop clause
  3. A closed shop clause
  4. A maintenance of membership clause
Answer - B - A union shop clause requires all new employees to join the union within a grace period specified by the contract, no less than 30 days, except in the construction industry, where the grace period must be 7 days.

Key Takeaway: An agency shop clause requires all employees to pay union dues whether or not they join the union. A closed union shop requires all new hires to be members of the union before they are hired. Closed shops are illegal except in the construction industry. A maintenance of membership clause allows employees to choose whether to join the union, but once they join, they must remain members until the expiration of the contract.
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