SPHR Human Resources

Category - Strategy

A manager with whom you have not previously worked comes to you for help with implementing two different solutions she has come up with to fix a turnover problem in her department. This manager is highly regarded and highly visible in the organization. You are eager to perform well on this project because you are confident it will help you forge a relationship with this manager. You are also certain that the manager will tell her peers about her experience with you, which makes it particularly critical that you handle yourself well. Your first response should be to
  1. Communicate your commitment to implementing the manager’s solution.
  2. Offer alternative solutions based one experience you have had with similar situations.
  3. Ask questions to obtain more information about the problems the manager is experiencing.
  4. Ask questions to obtain information that will help you implement the manager’s solution more effectively.
Answer - C - HR adds value to this process by asking questions that help us ascertain the underlying problems and distinguish problems from symptoms.

Key Takeaway: Option A is not the best choice because although a manager may be convinced of what his or her problem is, and/or of what the solution should be, the manager’s assessment is not necessarily correct, so you shouldn’t commit to implementing it. Option B is not the best choice since you don’t know what the problem is, so it is not possible to suggest a solution. Additionally, if you use this approach, you are dismissing the manager’s opinions and experience and risk damaging your relationship with the manager. Option D is not the best choice because it assumes that the manager’s assessment of the problem is correct and that the proposed solution is the best possible intervention.
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