MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

During an outdoor soccer activity on a hot, humid day, a student becomes dizzy. The physical education teacher moves the student to a shady spot and notes signs of heat exhaustion in the student. Which of the following steps should the teacher take next in treating the condition?
  1. Cover the student with a light blanket and elevate his or feet.
  2. Cool the student's skin with isopropyl alcohol.
  3. Give the student sips of water or a sports drink.
  4. Have the student swallow a few salt tablets with water.
Correct Response: C. A student who experiences heat exhaustion needs to have his or her body cooled. After moving the student to a cool location, the student can benefit from sipping a half glass of cool, but not cold, water every 15 minutes or so and having cool, wet towels placed on the skin. Water is important to prevent dehydration, which could lead to heatstroke. It would be inappropriate to cover a student who is showing signs of heat exhaustion with a blanket, as this could exacerbate the condition (A). Isopropyl alcohol can be irritating to the skin and can irritate the lungs, and thus is inappropriate for this condition (B). Salt tablets can be difficult to digest and do not provide the immediate assistance required by someone experiencing heat exhaustion (D).
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