MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following assessment strategies would be most appropriate for assessing student progress in mastering a new motor task?
  1. Conducting observations of the student's performance of the task in familiar practice or game situations.
  2. Evaluating the student's technique by interviewing the student about how he or she feels while performing the task.
  3. Determining whether the student has progressed from the cognitive stage of motor learning to the associative stage.
  4. Assigning the student a writing task to check whether he or she can describe how to perform the motor task.
Correct Response: A. Direct observation of a student's use of a new motor skill in an authentic setting would provide the most accurate assessment of degree of mastery of the physical skill. Interviewing the student or using a writing task for assessment would be more effective for testing conceptual knowledge, such as understanding of rules for games, strategies, and skills important to an activity (B, D). Recognizing the learning stage involved in the student's execution of the skill can help the teacher evaluate the ways in which the student is thinking about performing the physical movements (C)
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