MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Playing a "Simon Says" activity with kindergarten students would be an appropriate strategy for a physical education teacher to use to evaluate students' ability to follow directions and to:
  1. Distinguish among locomotor skills.
  2. Demonstrate body awareness concepts.
  3. Use effective balancing skills.
  4. Differentiate personal space from general space.
Correct Response: B. As the teacher uses a "Simon Says" activity to ask students to move and touch various body parts, their movement responses will help the teacher assess the students' awareness of what various body parts are, where they are in space, and how to isolate and coordinate the movement of body parts. The use of locomotor and balancing skills in the activity (A, C) will be minimal at the kindergarten level and is not the focus of the game. With movements that take place primarily within personal space, the activity would not provide the most effective strategy for helping students learn to distinguish personal from general space (D)
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