MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

When using standardized, norm-referenced assessment software to assess physical education students, it is most important to ensure that:
  1. Test administration procedures are flexible.
  2. The testing instrument employs a standard multiple-choice format.
  3. Test items correspond to specific levels of the psychomotor taxonomy.
  4. The demographic characteristics of the norm group are similar to those of the group being tested.
Correct Response: D. In norm-referenced tests, students' scores are based on comparison to the performance of a statistically selected group of test takers. Because students from different socioeconomic groups tend to have different educational experiences, students' scores will not be meaningful or equitable if the selected reference group has significantly different demographic characteristics. Test administration procedures should be consistent among students to provide a valid comparison (A). Norm-referenced tests may use multiple-choice or short-answer formats, or a combination of both (B), without influencing the comparison of an individual's performance to the reference group. The psychomotor domain involves physical skills that cannot be tested through a written format but are effectively measured by assessing physical movement (C)
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