MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Involving students in outdoor education courses such as orienteering, canoeing, hiking, and rock climbing is particularly effective for promoting students' self-esteem, because the activities include built-in opportunities to:
  1. Block out distractions completely and become meditative.
  2. Experience a sense of accomplishment in reaching a goal or destination.
  3. Enjoy time on one's own and focus on the body mechanics of the activity.
  4. Attempt to set personal best records each time one participates.
Correct Response: B. Orienteering, canoeing, hiking, and rock climbing in various ways involve a process of working toward and reaching a destination or shared goal, which provides an immediate sense of accomplishment or achievement to participants. In turn, this builds self-confidence and self- esteem. Outdoor activities are more likely to promote awareness of and involvement with the environment in which they take place rather than the opportunity to block out distractions. Although such activities may be meditative, remaining aware is essential for safety (A). Time on one's own or working on body mechanics (C) can be satisfying, but are not as connected to the development of self- esteem as is achieving a goal. While the outdoor activities described may offer discreet experiences or opportunities to excel, they do not easily lend themselves to precise measures that can be compared to previous results (D)
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