MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following techniques should be used by a belayer to ensure the safety of a climber during indoor rock climbing?
  1. Signaling to the climber each time the climber should move up the wall.
  2. Maintaining some slack in the climbing rope at all times.
  3. Keeping the brake hand in the "lock off" position when there is no slack or movement by the climber.
  4. Maintaining a secure position beneath the climber and as close to the wall as possible.
Correct Response: C. In indoor rock climbing, when a belayer is not taking in slack, the belayer's brake hand should always hold the rope in the locked position below the belay device with the hand at the belayer's hip to ensure immediately braking if the climber begins to slip or fall. Communication is essential, but the climber, not the belayer, decides when it is safe to climb, once the "belay on" signal is given (A). Maintaining slack at all times or excess slack in the rope (B) is dangerous as it allows momentum to build on a slip or fall before the rope catches the climber. The belayer's position below the climber (D) may assist with supporting the climber's weight but in itself is not enough to brake a fall. 
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