MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

According to principles of developmental psychology, which of the following best describes why participation in play activities is particularly important to young children's growth and development?
  1. Virtually all of what children learn is derived from observing others, thus young children learn how to behave by observing older children at play.
  2. Play settings provide the environments in which children develop the ability to overcome confusion related to appearance versus reality.
  3. Since play provides important information about gender roles, children with limited opportunities to play often experience delayed development of gender identity.
  4. Play allows children to try out and test new physical, cognitive, and social behaviors, which then become part of their working memory.
Correct Response: D. Play provides young children with a way to engage and interact with the world and with others. It gives them opportunities to explore and try out or practice cognitive, physical, and social behaviors that are important to their personal growth and development. While play can provide children with information about how to behave (A), cultural gender roles (C), and differences between appearance and reality (B), its particular importance is in the multiple opportunities it provides for exploring, experiencing, and internalizing the many dimensions of life skills. 
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