MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following practices is most likely to lead to a dangerous outcome in competitive sports activities in which some physical contact might occur?
  1. Coaching students in a variety of offensive and defensive strategies during game play.
  2. Pairing students or forming teams in which one student or one team is bigger, stronger, or more skilled than the other.
  3. Modifying regulation playing field and court dimensions.
  4. Rotating students among different playing positions, including from offensive to defensive positions and vice versa.
Correct Response: B. When physical contact or accidental collisions might occur in competitive sports, participants should be approximately matched according to height, weight, and skill or ability level. This strategy enhances student safety and decreases risk of injury. Coaching students in effective strategies to use during game play is desirable and unlikely to lead to dangerous outcomes (A). Modifying a regulation playing field or its court dimensions is not inherently dangerous (C) and is commonly used for small-sided games and to accommodate students' skill levels. Rotating players among different positions allows students to experience a variety of game like conditions and practice both offensive and defensive skills; this strategy does not create undue risk (D)
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