MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following competitive sports is particularly appropriate for promoting cooperation, honesty, and trust within and between teams because of its emphasis on the "spirit of the game" and self-refereeing?
  1. Touch rugby.
  2. Team Handball.
  3. Slow-pitch softball.
  4. Ultimate
Correct Response: D. Ultimate is played with no official referees; mutual fun and reliance on the sportsmanship of participants to maintain fair play in the "spirit of the game" are fundamental to the game. Players make their own foul and out-of-bounds calls and are responsible for adhering to a few important rules. Thus, the game inherently promotes camaraderie, mutual support, cooperation, honesty, and trust among players. A referee, coach, or teacher usually helps monitor play in touch rugby (A) and team handball (B) and an umpire, coach, or teacher usually helps oversee play in slow pitch softball (C)
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