MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following is a fundamental rule of field hockey and indoor floor hockey?
  1. Follow-throughs may rise above waist level to chest height.
  2. Players must keep only one hand on the stick at all times.
  3. Excessive body contact or stick-to-stick contact is not allowed.
  4. Players may kick or advance the ball or puck with any part of the body.
Correct Response: C. In physical education, field hockey and floor hockey are not considered contact sports. Excessive body contact, such as body checking or slashing (striking with a stick), is not allowed, and heavy stick-to-stick contact is also a violation. In floor hockey, a player may not raise the stick above the waist. Short, low follow-throughs are recommended after contact with the puck or ball; high follow-throughs present risk of injury to other players (A). Players may use one or two hands to manipulate the stick (B). The puck or ball may be blocked (not caught) by use of a foot or hand (if airborne), but may only be advanced by the stick in field hockey (D)
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