MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following cues correctly describes a critical element of the two-handed side-arm strike used to bat a ball?
  1. "Grip the bat so that your dominant hand is below your non-dominant hand."
  2. "Transfer your weight from your back foot to your front foot as your hips and shoulder rotate into the swing."
  3. "Hold the bat in front of your shoulder and keep your batting elbow perpendicular to the ground."
  4. "Keep your batting elbow flexed during the entire swing and stop the follow-through at the point of contact."
Correct Response: B. In a well-executed two-handed side-arm strike, weight is transferred from the back foot to the front foot as the hip and shoulder begin to rotate. As the body rotates, the bat is brought forward to strike the ball. To help control the swing, the bat is gripped with the dominant hand above the non-dominant hand, not vice versa (A). The bat should be held behind, not in front of, the dominant shoulder and the dominant elbow should be parallel, not perpendicular, to the ground (C)
As the swing is executed, the arms extend through a straightening, rather than a flexed, elbow (D), and follow through past the point of the strike until the dominant shoulder moves to a position under the chin. 
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