MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

During a basketball activity, students work in pairs. Each student has a ball and faces his or her partner from several feet away. As one partner makes a two-handed chest pass, the other partner simultaneously makes a bounce pass. After a while, they switch passes. Which of the following is most likely the main objective of this activity?
  1. Developing skills in passing.
  2. Practicing pick and roll skills.
  3. Developing offensive footwork while passing.
  4. Practicing passing around a defender.
Correct Response: A. In this paired activity, students are working on passing skills, which are critical to successful performance in basketball. In games, the two-handed chest pass is often used as an outlet pass following a rebound, when passing from out-of-bounds, or when moving and passing off a dribble. To execute the skill, a student extends the arms forward, takes one step toward the intended receiver, and snaps the wrists on the release. The one- or two-handed bounce pass is performed in a similar way except body weight is lowered and transferred forward as the floor becomes the initial target. The basketball should hit the floor about two-thirds to three-quarters of the distance from the passer and "skip" into the receiver's hand. The pick and roll (B) and passing around a defender (D) would most likely involve practicing with defenders in drills or small-sided games. Developing offensive footwork while passing (C) is not in and of itself a main objective of the activity described. 
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