MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Cooperative games and team sports help promote the development of positive traits and values primarily by providing opportunities in which students can:
  1. Study and emulate the interpersonal skills of a variety of adult role models.
  2. Compete against themselves rather than against other individuals.
  3. Remain confident and free of worries about the possibility that peers may make fun of them.
  4. Observe and practice character-building skills such as determination, loyalty, self-control, and civility.
Correct Response: D. Working together in cooperative games and team sports encourages individuals to practice skills important to teamwork, such as loyalty, self-control, and civility, and can encourage determination and dedication to a group's effort or goal. Such activities are about competing as a team, not as an individual (B), but some students may still be concerned about being judged by fellow team members or members of another team (C). As these are student activities, few adults are involved to act as role models (A).
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