MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following strength training practices would most likely put an individual at risk for a muscle pull or strain?
  1. Using static stretching rather than dynamic stretching to cool down after strength training.
  2. Working lower body muscles on Mondays and Thursdays and upper body muscles on Tuesdays and Fridays.
  3. Allowing muscles to rest for one or two days between strength training sessions.
  4. Exercising a particular muscle group without working its opposing muscle group (e.g., quadriceps but not hamstrings).
Correct Response: D. One of the best ways to avoid injury during fitness training is to create and maintain muscle balance. If one group in a set of antagonist muscles is able to overpower another, it can torque and pull joints out of alignment. Static stretching is an important and effective part of a cool down, helping to keep blood circulating back to the heart and loosening muscles that have been worked (A). Good training practice involves alternating the muscle groups that are worked on subsequent days (B) and allowing muscles that have been worked to rest and recover between workouts (C)
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