MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Swimming strokes such as the crawl are defined as continuous or repetitive motor tasks because the:
  1. Skills are performed in a medium in which a greater degree of resistance is encountered than in air.
  2. Movement through the water can be sustained with no physical effort by keeping the body flat in the water.
  3. Strokes and kicking motions require unilateral rather than bilateral coordination.
  4. Recovery of the arms and legs leads directly into the next stroke, with no recognizable beginning and end.
Correct Response: D. In a repetitive skill, the actions that constitute the movement pattern are used in a continuous cycle throughout the activity: one complete cycle of the skill leads directly into the next. In the crawl stroke, the movements of the arms and legs that end one stroke cycle become a recovery that initiates the next stroke cycle. The medium or context in which a skill is performed (A) and (B) is not a factor in determining its repetitive or cyclical nature. Swimming strokes and kicking movements require bilateral rather than unilateral coordination (C), with both sides of the body working either symmetrically or reciprocally.
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