MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

In general, heredity plays the largest role in influencing which area of personal growth and development?
  1. Body type and composition.
  2. Susceptibility to stress-related illnesses.
  3. Degree of strength and flexibility that can be achieved with fitness training.
  4. Quality of relationships with friends, teachers, and classmates.
Correct Response: A. To a large degree, an individual's body type and composition are determined by heredity, or genetics. Although environmental factors such as physical activity, nutrition, and disease influence the full expression of inherited traits, scientific studies confirm that genetics play a major role in determining body type and body composition (the proportion of fat, muscle, and bone in an individual's body). While certain predispositions related to stress and illness (B) and physical strength and flexibility (C) may be influenced by heredity, environmental conditions more significantly influence the development of these conditions than body type. In personal development, quality of relationships (D) are affected by many social and emotional factors, such as the presence of early positive relationships, secure attachments to caregivers, and nurturing environments. 
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