MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

During an outdoor field day at the end of the school year, elementary students will participate in a variety of physical activities. Which of the following organizational approaches to the day's events is likely to be most effective in enhancing students' self-esteem and sense of self-worth?
  1. Ensuring that most activities emphasize coordination and balance rather than speed or strength.
  2. Offering activities that allow students of varying fitness and skill levels to achieve individual success.
  3. Including only activities that are cooperative rather than competitive in nature.
  4. Recruiting responsible students and relying on them to help staff and run the activities.
Correct Response: B. Providing each student with opportunities to have fun and experience personal success should be the primary goal of field days. Organizing a wide variety of activities and allowing students to choose activities in which to participate is very likely to promote feelings of self-esteem and self-worth because students can play to their interests and strengths, and challenge themselves in a safe environment. Because any group of students will demonstrate a range of skill-related fitness attributes, activities that focus on one or two specific attributes, such as balance and coordination (A), will not suit all students. Similarly, offering only cooperative activities, rather than a mix of cooperative and competitive activities, limits students' choices (C). While using student helpers (D) may promote the helpers' self-esteem and self-worth, this approach does not address the general population of field day participants. 
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