MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following is a recommended nutritional practice to promote optimal growth and development in young children?
  1. Including foods that contain more fats than protein in daily meals to promote increased energy stores.
  2. Consuming three moderately large meals and avoiding or limiting snacks and treats to promote desirable eating patterns.
  3. Including foods that contain more fiber than fat in daily meals to promote healthy digestive functions.
  4. Consuming several small meals and snacks of mixed carbohydrates, proteins, and fats each day to promote variety in eating.
Correct Response: D. A relative balance of carbohydrates, fat, and protein is especially important in children's diets to promote optimal growth and development. Carbohydrates supply children's daily energy needs; proteins help build, maintain, and replace the body's tissues; and fats play an important role in brain development, vitamin absorption, and energy supply. Eating several small meals and snacks, which helps stabilize energy levels, and eating meals that contain a variety of foods each day contributes to children's development of healthful lifelong dietary habits. Eating three meals a day while limiting snacks and treats (B) can leave long gaps in which high levels of hunger develop, which can contribute to overeating during meals. Foods high in fat (A) or fiber (C) may be important components of a child's balanced diet, but would not be the primary focus of nutrition plans for children. 
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