Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

When correcting a participant’s movements, especially when safety is concerned, the Group Fitness Instructor (GFI) should use the following steps:
  1. First, give a general verbal cue to the group. Second, cue the specific individual from the front of the room. Third, physically correct the participant if necessary
  2. First, give a general verbal cue to the group. Second, discreetly cue the specific individual if there is a safety concern. Third, offer a tactile cue to let the participant know how to move away from injury and toward correction.
  3. First, call attention to the participant who is performing the movement incorrectly, so the group can learn what not to do. Then, approach the person and give a physical cue on how to move properly
  4. Continue to observe the participant’s movements, then offer a private session after class to show the participant how to move correctly and safely
Answer: B - Answer B follows the correct progression of providing feedback when a participant is performing a movement incorrectly or unsafely. The Group Fitness Instructor (GFI) must remember to create positive experiences for all class participants, even when providing corrective feedback and cues. Answer A is incorrect because physically correcting the participant will not help them learn body awareness and unnecessary touching is not recommended. Answer C is incorrect because it singles the participant out as moving incorrectly and will provide a negative experience. Answer D is incorrect because waiting too long to correct an unsafe movement can lead to an injury.
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