Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

Group fitness instructors must be aware of individual participants’ negative behaviors that can undermine group cohesion. If not dealt with immediately, such participants can monopolize class time or take the group in a negative direction. Which is the LEAST effective method to deal with this type of person?
  1. Listen attentively to the person’s concerns or complaints
  2. Acknowledge understanding of his or her complaint
  3. State that he or she will no longer be permitted to participate
  4. Agree on a solution to address the complaint
Answer: A - Instructors who issue ultimatums or who make judgments about class members’ behaviors are unlikely to be perceived in a positive light. The best way for a GFI to deal with a chronic complainer is to listen attentively and then acknowledge understanding of the complaint or concern. Once this is done, it becomes possible to work together with the person to determine a solution to address the concern.
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