Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

It is essential for the Group Fitness Instructor to assess the level of intensity of class members in order to maintain a safe group experience. Which of the following is the correct percentage of the participant’s maximum heart rate (MHR) that should be used as a target heart rate zone for aerobic exercise?
  1. 55-75% of MHR
  2. 55-80% of MHR
  3. 55-85% of MHR
  4. 55-90% of MHR
Answer: D - The American College of Sports Medicine’s 2010 recommendations for target heart rate allow for a range between 55-65% and 90% of maximum heart rate as an appropriate target zone for exercisers. Exercise that is performed at a heart rate below 55-65% is not aerobic in nature, but may still contribute to overall fitness goals, such as flexibility, balance and strength.
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