Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

Some of the latest crazes to hit the exercise circuit involve bringing high-intensity endurance training in a group class (for instance, a 2 hour spin classes). Endurance events, such as these, has a significant effect on the body’s hormones. Which one of the following is NOT a hormonal response to endurance training?
  1. Epinephrine and norepinephrine respond with decreased secretion at rest
  2. There is a slight increase in cortisol secretion during exercise
  3. The amount of growth hormone at rest is increased
  4. Active muscles’ insulin sensitivity increases
Answer: C - Endurance training has no effect on resting levels of growth hormone. However, endurance training does produce several other profound effects: a decrease in both epinephrine and norepinephrine secretion at rest; an increase in cortisol secretion during exercise; and an increase in muscles’ sensitivity to insulin. This last effect can profoundly alter the diabetic client’s dependence on insulin. Exercise also helps insulin to work better; in addition, muscle cells use more glucose and more oxygen during exercise than at rest. In some instances, individuals with Type II diabetes can reduce or eliminate their disease through exercise and weight loss.
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