Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

Your facility just launched a new aerobic fitness initiative. For the kick-off, they offered members a standardized method to estimate their VO2max without the risks commonly associated with maximal exercise testing. Which of the following would LEAST likely have been chosen as a test for assessing submaximal aerobic fitness?
  1. YMCA sub maximal step test
  2. McArdle step test
  3. Timed up and go (TUG) test
  4. Rockport fitness walking test (1-mile walk)
Answer: C - The timed up and go (TUG) test is a risk assessment test commonly used by physical therapists; it assesses a client’s fall potential, not aerobic fitness level. In contrast, both the YMCA and McArdle step tests do test submaximal fitness, each by assessing heart rate after participants step onto a box (15” and 16.5” respectively), at a given pace, for 3 minutes. In the Rockport walking test, participants perform a timed 1 mile walk on a smooth, level surface. A score is then formulated based on the time it took to complete the mile, the heart rate after completion, and the rating of exertion perceived during the walk.
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