MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following steps is most important to take first in selecting physical activities for inclusion in personal fitness plans?
  1. Considering which types of activities are weather dependent and which are available year- round.
  2. Determining the type of physical activities that one enjoys (e.g., competitive, group, individual, outdoors).
  3. Searching for organizations or recreation departments that offer exercise classes in one's community.
  4. Estimating the costs associated with participating in different types of activities (e.g., equipment, fees, transportation).
Correct Response: B. A student who engages in physical activities that he or she finds enjoyable is much more likely to sustain participation and commitment to fitness goals, so the first step in selecting activities for a fitness plan is to carefully consider activities in terms of type and interest. After narrowing activity choices to those that one enjoys, an individual might consider activities in terms of weather or season (A), search for resources that offer exercise opportunities (C), or estimate the costs of potential participation in activities (D), but none of these strategies would be the most appropriate first step. 
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