MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Following a track meet against a rival team, a student and the physical education teacher discuss the 200 meter. "I can't believe I didn't place first in the 200! I trained so hard during the last two weeks," the student says. "Sorry to see you so disappointed. I know that race was really important to you," the teacher replies. This response is appropriate in this situation primarily because it:
  1. Provides an objective overview and downplays the loss.
  2. Expresses admiration for the student's performance in the race.
  3. Affirms that the student set a goal and worked hard.
  4. Acknowledges that the teacher knows exactly how much time the student spent preparing for the race.
Correct Response: C. The teacher's response communicates to the student that the teacher recognizes the importance of the race from the student's perspective. The response is empathetic and supportive, not an objective assessment of the race (A), and speaks to the student's goals and attitude rather than the student's performance (B) or the specifics of time and effort that the student put into training (D)
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