MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

While outdoors, young elementary students practice estimating their heart rate as they walk, then jog, and then run through a simple obstacle course. Each time they complete the course, the students check their pulse for a few seconds and describe it as either slow, medium, or fast. This activity is particularly effective for:
  1. Familiarizing students with techniques for calculating respiration rates during aerobic activity.
  2. Promoting students' ability to distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic activity.
  3. Introducing students to basic cardiorespiratory fitness principles in the context of a physical activity.
  4. Encouraging children to improve their endurance and stamina in the context of a play activity.
Correct Response: C. In this movement activity, students gain firsthand experience in estimating and feeling for their heart rate (via a pulse check) before and after they engage in activity of varied intensity levels: low (walking), moderate (jogging), and moderate-to-vigorous (running). Through this activity, students become familiar with some basic cardiorespiratory principles (e.g., physical activity increases heart rate, different activities have different intensity levels, individuals have control over intensity levels). Young elementary students are not yet developmentally ready to learn techniques for calculating respiration rates (A). The scenario described does not include anaerobic activity, and at the lower elementary level, promoting the ability to distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic activity (B) or encouraging students to improve their endurance (D) is not developmentally appropriate. 
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