MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

Which of the following school practices is likely to most effectively minimize the incidence of bullying behavior among students?
  1. Developing a strict code of conduct as part of the handbook.
  2. Conducting behavioral screenings annually.
  3. Creating standardized incident report forms.
  4. Incorporating social and emotional learning into the curriculum.
Correct Response: D. Recent educational research has shown that social and emotional learning (SEL) programs result in reduced bullying and greater well-being among students because such programs help create educational and social conditions and environments characterized by SEL principles and activities: supportive school relationships; use of open communication and self- management skills to resolve problems and conflicts; and instruction on managing emotions, establishing positive relationships, demonstrating care and concern, making responsible decisions, and handling challenging social situations constructively. According to the "Guidelines on Implementing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Curricula," developed by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education as part of an anti-bullying initiative, the goals of SEL are promoting students' self-awareness skills, self-management skills, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making. Although school policies aimed at preventing bullying are essential for reducing the incidence of this behavior, having a strict code of conduct (A) fails to proactively address bullying and targets a much wider range of behaviors. Behavioral screenings (B) may identify some traits associated with bullies but such screenings would not create a response or end to bullying. Creating standardized incident report forms (C) might streamline the administrative task of tracking bullying, but these forms would not prevent bullying or help those who may be bullied.
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