MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

Which of the following would likely be the most effective way for a health educator to influence students to take an active part in protecting the ecological health of their communities?
  1. Requiring students to read an article about an environmental organization's effort to eliminate a major health risk.
  2. Assigning an essay on Rachel Carson or another person who made a major contribution to the nation's environmental health.
  3. Arranging for a tour of a local or regional recycling plant where waste materials are reprocessed.
  4. Having students work with a local group whose efforts focus on preventing and minimizing environmentally harmful behaviors.
Correct Response: D. In general, gaining first-hand experience is a stronger motivator than second- hand experience. Therefore, having students work with a local group that tries to prevent and minimize environmentally harmful behaviors would be the most effective option for influencing students' actions in protecting the ecological health of their communities. Reading an article (A), writing an essay (B), or taking a tour (C) would be less effective, even though each of these activities is related to the environment, because none of these options require students to actively participate in activities that influence the ecological health of their communities.
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