MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

The American Red Cross can best be described as:
  1. A nonprofit health foundation dedicated to the enhancement of health through research.
  2. A humanitarian organization whose main mission is to provide emergency assistance and disaster relief.
  3. An advocacy group committed to the protection of consumers in the health-care marketplace.
  4. A voluntary health association whose main mission is to strengthen national health information services.
Correct Response: B. As a humanitarian organization, the American Red Cross relies on volunteers and donations to provide assistance during emergencies and disasters. This organization helps provide food, shelter, clothing, water, and other supplies following disasters and helps maintain a supply of blood to be used in medical emergencies. The Red Cross focuses on meeting people's basic needs during disasters rather than focusing on specific health-related issues. Therefore, enhancing health through research (A), protecting consumers in the health-care marketplace (C), and strengthening national health information services (D) are not specific goals of the American Red Cross.
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