Civil Engineering PE

Category - Scheduling

Which of the following project management tools is used to identify the tasks that can be delayed for a certain amount of time without having an effect on the overall schedule?
  1. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
  2. Milestone chart
  3. Program and Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) Chart
  4. A. and C.
Answer: C - A Program and Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) Chart is used to identify the tasks that can be delayed for a certain amount of time without having an effect on the overall schedule. A PERT Chart is a tool used to analyze the tasks involved in the completion of a given project, as related to the durations and interdependencies of tasks needing to be completed within the total project. PERT Charts are outputs of the PERT network scheduling model that allows for randomness in activities and completion times.
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