Civil Engineering PE

Category - Hydraulics - Closed

A 10-inch diameter pipe is connected to an 18-inch diameter pipe. If the average velocity in the 10-inch diameter pipe is 25 feet per second (fps), what is the average velocity in the 18-inch diameter pipe?
  1. 7.72 fps
  2. 13.89 fps
  3. 81.0 fps
  4. None of the above
Answer: A - When the average velocity of a 10-inch diameter pipe connected to an 18-inch diameter pipe is 25 fps, the average velocity of the 18-inch diameter pipe is 7.72 fps.

Solution: Apply the continuity equation: Area x Velocity = Area x Velocity

A18 V18 = A10 V10

V18 =A10 / A18 x V10 = (D10 / D18)2 x V10

V18 = (10 /18)2 x 25 fps

= 7.72 fps
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