Civil Engineering PE

Category - Transportation

Which of the following is the stopping sight distance for a speed of 55 miles per hour (mph) on a flat grade roadway?
  1. 202.1 feet
  2. 492.4 feet
  3. 512.2 feet
  4. 790.0 feet
Answer: B - The stopping sight distance (SSD) for a speed of 70 mph on a flat grade roadway is most nearly 492.4 feet.

Solution: Use the SSD equation for flat grade (US Customary units)

d = 1.47Vt + 1.075 V2/a

Where, t = 2.5 seconds

a = 11.2 feet/second2

V = 55 mph

d = 1.47 (55) (2.5) + 1.075 (55)2/ (11.2)

= 202.1 + 290.3

= 492.4 feet
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