Civil Engineering PE

Category - Struct. Loading

Which of the following is the approximate total load at the bottom of a fully submerged 5-foot wall?
  1. 187.5 pounds/foot of wall
  2. 375 pounds/foot of wall
  3. 937.5 pounds/foot of wall
  4. 1,875 pounds/foot of wall
Answer: C - The approximate hydrostatic pressure at the bottom of a fully submerged 5-foot wall is 937.5 pounds/foot of wall.

Solution: Use the triangular loading method to determine hydrostatic pressure

Given, 1 cubic foot of water = 62.5 pounds

Pressure (load) at water surface = 0

Step 1: Hydrostatic pressure at base of wall (5’ deep)

= 62.5 pounds/cubic foot (pcf) *5 feet = 375 pounds/square foot (psf)

Step 2: Total load = ½ bh

= ½ (5 feet)(375 psf) = 937.5 pounds/foot
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