Civil Engineering PE

Category - Water Treatment

What is the required chlorinator setting (in pounds per day (lbs/day Cl2)) to treat a flow of 1.78 million gallons per day (MGD) with a chlorine dose of 4 milligrams/liter (mg/L)?
  1. 7.12 lbs/day Cl2
  2. 14.8 lbs/day Cl2
  3. 59.4 lbs/day Cl2
  4. Not enough information provided
Answer: C - The required chlorinator setting to treat 1.78 MGD with a chlorine dose of 4 mg/L is 59.4 lbs/day Cl2.

Solution: Chlorinator setting = chlorine dosage x flow

Given Weight of water = 8.34 lbs/gallon

Conversion from mg/L to lbs/day:

(mg/L Cl2) (flow in MGD) (8.34 lbs/gal) = lbs/day Cl2

Chlorinator setting = (4 mg/L Cl2) (1.78 MGD) (8.34 lbs/gal)

= 59.4 lbs/day Cl2
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