Civil Engineering PE

Category - Material Mechanics

Which of the following best describes the term ?
  1. Point along the beam that will deflect the furthest from the normal plane
  2. Point at which shear forces change from positive to negative within the beam
  3. Point at which a beam will fail due to bending
  4. All of the above
Answer: B - The term is best described as the point at which shear forces change from positive to negative within the beam. Bending moments within a beam are rotational forces that cause the beam to bend, and the maximum bending moment is located at the peak of the bend. There may be more than one maximum bending moment within a beam if the forces applied on it cause the beam to bend in multiple places. The points where maximum bending moments occur can be seen on a bending moment diagram where the graphed cumulative moment passes through the x-axis.
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