Civil Engineering PE

Category - Subsurface

Before preparing to mobilize drill rigs to a proposed construction site, which of the following resources should be reviewed and analyzed?
  1. Aerial photographs and/or satellite imagery
  2. Existing subsurface exploration reports, soil surveys and well logs
  3. Utility maps (electrical, gas, water, sewer)
  4. All of the above
Answer: D - Before preparing to mobile drill rigs to a proposed construction site, all of the resources listed should be reviewed and analyzed. Aerial photographs and satellite imagery can provide information on existing structures, potential staging areas, local water and land features, and access points. Existing subsurface exploration reports, soil surveys and well logs contain valuable information on local soils, hydrogeological conditions, and other environmental issues. Utility maps provide critical information on buried infrastructure, possible overhead obstructions, easement limits, and property delineations. By reviewing all available information prior to conducting field reconnaissance, you will have a better idea of what to expect and to look for during the initial site visit.
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