Civil Engineering PE

Category - Scheduling

Which of the following best describes the scheduling term scope creep?
  1. Progress on initial project tasks is made slowly
  2. Work done on a project grows out of proportion to contractually defined requirements
  3. An unsavory character working on a project site
  4. All of the above
Answer: B - Scope creep can be described as what happens when the work done on a project grows out of proportion to the contractually defined requirements. Scope creep can drain a project’s budget and resources. Scope creep may be a result of the following:

• Goals and objectives of the project weren’t clearly defined.
• Tasks defined for the project weren’t broken down into manageable size or weren’t coordinated.
• No one compared the progress of the project to the project a management plan and made mid-stream corrections to team, resources, or budget when needed.
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