Civil Engineering PE

Category - Subsurface

What are the four levels of rock sample care defined in the ASTM D5079-02 standard practices for preserving and transporting rock core samples?
  1. Routine, special, soil-like, critical
  2. Routine, special, intensive, critical
  3. Normal, special, intensive, emergency
  4. None of the above
Answer: A - The four levels of rock sample protection as defined in ASTM D5079-02 standard practices for preserving and transporting rock core samples are routine, special, soil-like, and critical care. The standard practices for routine and soil-like care are consistent with other geotechnical explorations (defined in ASTM D4220-95(2007)). Special care may be appropriate if rock core’s moisture state may be affected by exposure to the elements, and/or if fluids must be maintained in the sample. Critical care practices are appropriate when samples need to be protected against shock, vibration, and/or variations in temperature.
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