CLEP US Government

Category - Interest Groups

What role do interest groups play in educating policymakers about political issues?
  1. So few people are members of interest groups that any communication policymakers receive from such groups is considered insignificant.
  2. They tend to confuse policymakers and often alienate them.
  3. Interest groups are never considered a valid source of information because they are so biased.
  4. Interest groups never communicate with policymakers, let alone educate them.
  5. They are an important source of political and policy information.
Answer: E - One of the central roles of interest groups is to educate policymakers about specific areas of interest. This makes sense since it would be difficult to influence a policymaker to do what your interest group wants if the policymaker doesn’t know anything about the issue. What policymakers learn can make their jobs significantly easier, as they don’t have to spend time and resources performing independent research.
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