Civil Engineering PE

Category - Hydrology

What is the composite C value for the following drainage area for a 10-year storm recurrence interval?

Drainage area: 0.25 acres of residential lots with 40% imperviousness (C = 0.49)
0.25 acres of lawn with 0.95% slope with 0% imperviousness (C = 0.22)
0.10 acres of impervious pavement (C = 0.95)
  1. 0.20
  2. 0.45
  3. 0.55
  4. Not enough information provided
Answer: B - The composite C value for the given drainage area for a 10-year storm recurrence interval is 0.45.

Solution: Calculate composite C by using the following equation:

C = (C1A1 + C2A2 + C3A3) / (A1 + A2 + A3)

C = [(0.25 acres x 0.49) + (0.25 acres x 0.22) + (0.10 acres x 0.95)]/ (0.25+0.25+0.10)

C = 0.45
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